Friday, August 1, 2008

Bob Goodlatte and His "Support" For Our Troops.

Did you get Bob Goodlatte's latest taxpayer-paid propaganda mailing? You know the one showing a soldier with these words:
“Recently, the Congress passed, with my support, important legislation that expands the education benefits for our returning service members”

Now I'm going to tell you the truth, and through that truth offer you a glimpse of what is wrong with Bob Goodlatte, the Republican Congress, and the Bush Administration: They're borrowing money from your children's children to pay for OUR debts.

When Senator Jim Webb designed the New G.I.Bill to offer educational benefits for post-9/11 veterans, he did it the right way - he paid for it with revenue from a tax on people making more than $500,000. And when the New G.I. Bill came up for a vote in May, Bob Goodlatte voted against it. Why? Here's what Bob sez:
"While I strongly support expanding the current G.I. Bill, attaching tax increases on small business owners, many of whom are veterans themselves or create jobs for veterans is the wrong way to go."
What? People that make $500,000 are endangered "small businessmen"? What kind of small businessman makes $500,000 you ask? ...people like Bob's wife Maryellen, a partner in the lawyer corporation of Glenn, Feldmann, Darby & Goodlatte.

So faced with certain defeat by Republicans, Senator Webb did what he had to do to get the New G.I. Bill passed - he took out the tax that would have paid for it! And then, just like the war funding in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Republicans voted to put the cost on our national debt. They support the troops as long as someone else pays for it, and someone else fights their wars.

Bob Goodlatte appears to be a gentle guy, but voters should ask themselves; is it right to pay for our wars, and our veteran obligations with a credit card? The citizens of the 6th District have a right to be represented by people that share our values - we pay our debts, and we tell it straight.

So, when Bob tells you he "supports the troops", the truth is he supports $500,000 small businessmen first. Now you have the whole story.


Anonymous said...

Don't you know that the standard way for conservative republicans to support our troops is not (Heaven forbid) by actually paying for anything, they support the troops by putting a yellow ribbon magnet on their car, a "Win the War!" sign in their yard, and by yelling "woohoo!" whenever they see news about a casualty and then claim "that's what they wanted when they volunteered, to die for their country!"
Anyone who wants to be trivial about piddly little details like taking care of those who've been wounded are branded as liberal communist 'merica haters.

Anonymous said...

Bob Goodlatte on the GI bill
He was against it
Before he was for it
And he wants the grandchildren of GIs
To foot the bill