Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kate Obenshain: Republican Madame

It is getting harder and harder for sensible people to claim a relationship with the Republican Party. In the most recent spiral downward a doughy frat-boy, RNC Chairman wannabee, named Chip Saltsman sent the Republican faithfull a Christmas CD that included a song titled; Barack the Magic Negro. Really. This is what happens when your team gets down to playing third string mouth breathers, and exalts Rush Limbaugh as your spokesman.

It must really suck to be Kate Obenshain. Here she protests, "it is funny". No, you're funny Kate. You'll never rebuild a majority party with racism, bitterness, and humorless parody from Rush Limbaugh. The Republican Party is fast becoming the party of stunted, angry white guys. Your base is 29% and dwindling. Pull the plug and clean house. Do it for America.


Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at Republican folks as well as conservative friends desperately trying to convince us that "it was just a joke." That frat-boy sense of humor, blindingly funny THEM is completely out of touch and anyone defending it sounds pretty silly.

My favorite part of this video? "I'm just defending Rush Limbaugh!"


Anonymous said...

BlueRager: It was an LA Times, liberal, columnist who coined the phrase "Barack the Magic Negro".

Lowell, I think it would be more relevant to talk about how, when Kate was Chairman of the RPV, she represented the party of "family values"...and yet, until a divorce she initiated in Winchester Circuit Court, she's tried to jail the father of her children at least 8 times....all because of, allegedly, an affair she was having that caused the marital breakdown.

I say allegedly because Kate asked the judge to have her case sealed — probably because of the damage it would have done to the Republicans.

Bubby said...

The racist song was written and sung by one Paul Shanklin, and distributed to Republicans by RNC Chair candidate Chip Saltsman. Ol' Chip thought it was a laugh riot. So did Kate. That is the state of Republican leadership in 2009. Chose wisely.

Anonymous said...

It is a "laugh riot", Bubby. Had you ever heard the song, in total, you'd know it's more of a spoof on Al Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

"Barack the Magic Negro." I thought we were going to get beyond this tabloid trash and work on important stuff like a tanking economy and no end in sight to the war in Iraq. Focus people. Focus.

Bubby said...

Well, since I put a link to the song in the post you might assume that I HAD heard the song. So is this "humor" the result of a Liberal LA Times, Al Sharpton, or just the inherent funniness of the way some African Americans talk? The alibi keeps changing.

Bubby said...

Yeah well Tad, some people are working on the important stuff, like the economy, and some people got nothing but trash talk

Anonymous said...

Tad, had you actually known anybody in the military, you would have the same understanding and insight as I do. The "war" in Iraq is coming to an end and the majority of forces on again focusing where they need to be.

Now, go back outside and spit on a soldier...it's you GOD given right...Wright?

GlenM said...

Yeah, no Democrat would ever use the term "Negro." Oh, wait ...

Anonymous said...

None of this Liberal drivel made sense.