Monday, March 30, 2009

Un Afraid of Tough Issues

He won't back down, gonna stand his ground...

Virginia Senator Jim Webb takes on Prison Reform

In spite of having the demeanor sometimes of a bull in the proverbial china shop, U.S. Sen. Jim Webb also has the reputation of a legislator who’s unafraid to take on Herculean tasks.

In the last session of Congress, the freshman U.S. senator looked at the huge number of armed services veterans returning from duty in Iraq and Afghanistan and realized the decades-old GI Bill was in need of serious updating.

Himself a Vietnam vet (in addition to being a former secretary of the Navy), he took on the job of crafting a new GI Bill and shepherding it through the Byzantine legislative process to ultimate passage.

That would have been a career-capper for any legislator; for a freshman, it was a success almost unheard of.

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1 comment:

Randy N. said...

I'm sure Cheney is hoping it happens before he goes on trial! Great cartoon.
Seriously though, this is long overdue and I'm glad that Senator Webb is taking this on. We are so fortunate to have Webb and Mark Warner as our senators.