Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Have plans Saturday?

Plan to Help Your Neighbors, and Enjoy the Evening Too!

Dear Mr. Fulk,

My husband, Brannon Hottinger, said I should email you the upcoming events for Cystic Fibrosis, and you could email a bunch of people for me to see if they are interested. I really do appreciate you helping us. We are trying to make each event bigger and better to raise more money for the foundation, so they can find a cure and also find new and better medicines to help people with CF stay healthy.

The most current event is a Valentine Dinner and Dance that is going to be held on February 7 at Muhlenberg Lutheran Church in Harrisonburg. Dinner is served from 6-7, with dancing until 10:00. There will be a DJ. Babysitting is provided, and pictures will be available. The dinner is Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread, 2 kinds of Dessert, and coffee, tea and lemonade. Tickets are $14/person and all proceeds go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Other upcoming events will be the Great Strides walk on April 18 at Hillendale Park (which is our biggest event of the year), a pancake breakfast in August and other events in the summer such as a car show, car wash and bake sale (no dates have been set for those events yet).

Cystic Fibrosis is a life-threatening disease that affects the lungs and can cause you to die at an early age. Our daughter, Danielle, is 6, and she is doing great! We are praying and believing that she will stay that way for the rest of her life. And that they will find a cure right away. She has a lot of treatments to do and medicines to take to keep her healthy, but she does it all like a big champ!

Any support that we get is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time. Let me know if you need any additional information or have any questions at all.

Thanks again.

Angie Hottinger :)

540-433-2884 home

540-246-1392 cell

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