Friday, February 29, 2008

Seven Generations PAC PSA

This video has been produced by wonderful young people of Seven Generations.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How Many Lightbulbs does it take to Screw Up a Mountain?

Tuesday March 11, 2008 at 7:00 pm
Court Square Theater in Harrisonburg, VA

Enjoy the Music of "Shen Fine" prior to the film

Panel Discussion to follow Featuring:

Mike O'Connell---Award Winning Film Maker and Producer

Ed Wiley---Community Activist Featured in MTR Film

Lorelei Scarbro---Spokesperson for Coal River Mountain Watch

"At times, it seems news of environmental and ecological exploitations of other nations
is at the forefront of our awareness. What's happening in our own country, our own backyard, is neglected or ignored.”

Admission-Courtesy of

For More Information Call Lowell Fulk @ 540-820-2592 or 540-896-1323
Court Square Theater, 61 Graham Street, Harrisonburg VA 22801 540-564-1692

Authorized and Paid for by 7GPAC

How will what we do today affect the next Seven Generations?