Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sold Out, or Soul Lost?

Following his loss to
George W. Bush in the 2000 South Carolina primary, John McCain did something extraordinary: He confessed to lying about how he felt about the Confederate battle flag, which he actually abhorred. "I broke my promise to always tell the truth," McCain said. Now he has broken that promise so completely that the John McCain of old is unrecognizable. He has become the sort of politician he once despised.

Read the Story...

It is widely said that McCain of 2,000, wouldn't vote for the McCain of 2,008.

I agree....

What a shame.


Hard Right Rudder said...

Want some cheese with that WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE? You pigs on the left have done nothing but attack Palin non-stop since she was chosen. Stick it up your gay holes.

Bubby said...

Richard Cohen guts McCain, a man with no integrity, waffling convictions, now reduced to lies and deceit:

"What impressed me most about McCain was the effect he had on his audiences, particularly young people. When he talked about service to a cause greater than oneself, he struck a chord. He expressed his message in words, but he packaged it in the McCain story -- that man, beaten to a pulp, who chose honor over freedom. This had nothing to do with access. It had to do with integrity.

McCain has soiled all that. His opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir -- the person in whose hands he would leave the country -- is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for. Palin, no matter what her other attributes, is shockingly unprepared to become president. McCain knows that. He means to win, which is all right; he means to win at all costs, which is not."

...and this from a guy who used to support McCain.

Hard Right Rudder said...

bubby, coming from ANYBODY else this might mean something, but from you, whom we all know to be a proponent of winning at all costs, it just means you are trying to have McCain put the cuffs on himself so Obama can come up behind him and stick a knife in his back. You weenie democrats think we are stupid? Oh, dumb question, never mind. That was dumb of me to ask.

Anonymous said...

Soul been Sold, not Lost.

Anonymous said...

Homo eRotic Rutter, you sure do project what's in your mind a lot.
You'd be much happier if you were honest with yourself.

Anonymous said...

First, you can't fault (one of the) McCains for hating the confederate flag, that's a no brainer and the ONLY intelligent thing that has ever come out of McCain's mouth.

Second, hardright, Sen. Craig's toe-tapping club just called, they miss you!!

Bubby said...

My definition of stupid: Voting for Bush (twice) and then voting for McCain, expecting things to change.

THAT is stupid.