Bob McDonnell and Mark Obenshain
Also appearing:
Todd Gilbert, Steve Landes, and newcomer Tony Wilt
Possible surprise performances by Richard "Dickie" Bell and Emmett Hanger
The discussion page of Free Thinking Individuals Throughout the Shenandoah Valley. ------------------ "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." ...Martin Luther King, Jr.
I guess that's why Sen. Obenshain has patroned legislation that would have capped car title loans, supported the Payday Loan Act imposing caps on unsecured loans, and wrote provisions into the ABC divestiture bill specifically designed to regulate the number of stores with liquor licenses, requires a local voter referendum to allow package store licenses in any locality, and maintains the ABC regulatory structure?
Sen. Obenshain is a master at obfuscation combined with little action. He can say "I tried."
Case in point from the recent DNR story on this subject:
"We've done a good job of reducing, not eliminating, some of the more problematic concepts of payday lending. I don't think it's perfect by any stretch of the imagination," he said.
Obenshain had concerns that tinkering with the fragile legislative compromise could lead to something worse.
Regarding privatization of ABC? The proof will be in whether the good Sen. et al will actually provide real numbers.
Since Senator Obenshain seems to be posting here anonymously, I wonder if he would answer some questions?
First, I would like to know why he hasn't straightened out the eminent domain issue like he said he was going to?
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