Monday, August 9, 2010

What to do in Afghanistan?

What do you think the United States should do regarding Afghanistan?
Bring the troops home as quickly as is possible and cut our losses.
Stay on the offensive and defeat the Taliban.
Take the war to Pakistan if they don't cooperate.
Invade Iran.
Ask the United Nations to take over the situation.

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Anonymous said...

I would like to see one other choice amongst the ones listed and that is to engage moderate members of the Taliban in an effort to isolate the extremist wing of the Taliban and Al-qaida. I tend to think this is the best way to bring about a lasting resolution to the situation in Afghanistan.

Mark Finks said...

The situation is much more complicated then these options. I want us out of Afghanistan, but not until we get the government in some shape to fight the Taliban. If we cut our loses we or some other country will be riding back into Kabul in a few years. The war is not senseless if you consider the fact that letting the Taliban take over in the 80's is what allowed 911 to happen. I don't think we can "defeat" the Taliban in their own backyard, but we can at least get their fellow country man a fighting chance against them when we eventually leave.

Joe Wilson said...

It is not nearly as complicated as we make it seem. There is nothing complicated about coming to our senses and getting out. We have two choices: commit to total war in the region and build nations that are to our liking or leave and hope that the damage we have dealt will heal. Half measures are like a lingering disease that saps strength and will and leaves a broken corpse that is bent and shriveled from suffering. There is no super secret strategy that is going to fix this mess. Total war or leave. I am against all wars on foreign soil. I say leave now and let the Afghans see to themselves, as is their right and duty.

Tom said...

If the Bush admin hadn't taken its eye off the ball in Afghanistan, we might have wiped out the Taliban and been able to leave Afghanistan with a more hopeful future. But...

Now we're bogged down in a no-win situation like many other countries have experienced. We can pull out in a safe process now or do so later... at the cost of more American lives. Whichever, the end result for Afghanistan will be same. You can't herd (vicious) cats or piss up a rope. Afghanistan is opportunity lost... whatever we do now is making the best of a bad situation. Time to GET OUT.

Unknown said...

Cut ground troops and replace with an aggressive clandestine operation to terminate the command of tribal warlords and poppy crop despots. Additionally focus on any combatant factions. Do not hold back until done. Biden's idea was on the right path.

Bubby said...

We're in this fight with the dudes who provided sanctuary to al qaida and attacked our country. Our allies, the Afghan people don't like radical Islamists. So we're going to prevail. The shame is that we're bogged down in that snake pit called Iraq. Those people are certified tribal crazy.