The Future of the Republican Party in America?

When Ms. Palin was asked by an entertainment reporter if she would consider becoming a talk show host, she said, “I don’t have any idea of what the next chapter of life is going to open up into, and I look forward to just the surprises that life offers.”
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Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, a conservative group, called it a “top order of business” to determine Ms. Palin’s future role. “Conservatives have been looking for leadership, and she has proven that she can electrify the grass roots like few people have in the last 20 years,” Mr. Bozell said. “No matter what she decides to do, there will be a small mother lode of financial support behind her.”
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The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.
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Sarah Palin suffered her final indignity as John McCain's running mate on Tuesday, when her request to speak at his election-night rally in Phoenix was denied. So ended a GOP campaign that had been increasingly marked, in its final weeks, by internal tension and suspicion. But now that the campaign is over and President-elect Obama actually is "measuring the drapes," Palin can talk all she wants—and start making decisions for herself. So what is she likely to do?
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The loudest cheers during John McCain's concession speech were for Gov. Sarah Palin. The hard-core faithful at the Arizona Biltmore Resort waved red pom-poms and roared for the 44-year-old Alaska governor, unknown outside conservative circles until August, when McCain added her to the ticket to appeal to the right-wing base that had long mistrusted him.
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with your blind ignorance you all have elected the most radical lying person to the post, and you are worried about Barracuda?
Have fun looking behind you for the next 4 should have given Hillary a chance.
blind ignorance seems to be the qualifier to be part of the gop
Please Oh Please let her be the direction Republicans follow!
I don't understand why so many people don't like Governor Palin. I thinks she's just what the party needs!
Seriously, I hope not. I'd say Mitt Romney will be the guy in 4 years. But if Obama does well, 8 years.
Romney is not a Christian!! He's a member of a cult!! Palin? she's a MILF now, but in 4 years she'll just be a saggy ho. My GOP won't go for that.
Me like her!
Me like her husband!
Me thinks you all are high.
You seem to be the thinking person here...
You know President Obama is elected and the sky isn't falling. I'm behind him and he's my President. Lets get our country going again. This is one Republican who is behind him and very supportive. I have talked to a number of common sense Republicans and they feel the same way. The election is over and lets move on.
If Sarah Palin and Huckabee are the future I'm out. This is not my Republican party. The dumbing down of the party is something I'm not proud of. Palin was an embarassment. I really liked her initially but she was very disappointing. I'm proud to say this is my blog now. I have no other home. Don't get me wrong I voted for McCain but I'm over it and ready for new ideas. I'm open to Obama's solutions and ready for new ideas.
Your open mindedness is refreshing. All anyone asks is to give the democratically elcected Obama a chance. If he doesn't fulfill promises, then we vote him out. But change is obviously needed, let's see how it goes. It certainly can't get any worse.
You know you've always been welcome here. I have you listed as a contributor to this site. I look forward to your thoughts and ideas as we work together to move the United States forward, together...
As a people, if we can conceive it,... We can achieve it...
I too am a disgusted Republican. I will become cautiously optimistic and keep an open mind. Man, I've prayed alot lately.....
Even my three year old knows our new President. And, my parents, in their 70s, lifelong Republicans are ready to move on. They commented how nice Obama's family is. My Dad, a diehard, said he was far more upset with Kennedy and Carter's election. So, I think Barrack Obama has done a good job reaching some good common sense Republicans. They're still Republicans but ready to move on.
Ideally, I would like to see some change in ideas and presentation with the GOP. But, I guess most people here are cheering on Palin in 2012. After the fight against communism, the Republican party seems to be adrift and in search of indentity. Locally, its been taken over by religious extremists and they have convinced other Republicans that their way is Republican, which is not the case.
Romney is the only guy out there but the Valley Taliban will have to overlook that he's a Mormon. Thats why Huckabee won the Valley and we got McCain by default. We couldn't have won anyway so its pointless to argue this.
Man she's hot. If only she'd kept her mouth shut and stayed in the kitchen.
Now that Palin is giving all of her post election interviews, my views are the same. She is a real problem for the party. And, it will be difficult to tell her to step away. She's a strong woman and she will do want she wants. I think she's not being honest about the clothing but the low grade moroons will believe it. In reality her wing of the party is very small but has been influential especially in the Valley. Its why the GOP continues to lose elections.
I support Obama until the Republican party comes up with a viable alternative. Its by default.
Just talked with another "true believer" and yes they are still drinking the purple punch of Jonestown. I'm ready to bolt. But, I'm an independent and will always remain so. Get Bin Laden. Go Obama. Get Bin Laden.
Palin and her congregation speak of running in 2012 but the truth be told, she will be old, fat and saggy. Do you really think that the superficial, white, good ol' boys will really be interested in her?
"the Valley Taliban" Really, BK? Part of the problem with the GOP is RINOs like you...good riddance.
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