Monday, July 5, 2010

Learning from the past to Improve Tomorrow...

Second Re-Posting of a popular and important article and concept.
What Our Grandparents Can Teach Us
About Saving the World
Half the vegetables produced in 1943 in the United States,
were grown in Victory Gardens...

The World War II home front was the most important and broadly participatory green experiment in U.S. history. Is it a model we should use today?

"With the participation of the Boy Scouts, trade unions, and settlement houses, thousands of ugly, trash-strewn vacant lots in major industrial cities were turned into neighborhood gardens that gave tenement kids the pride of being self-sufficient urban farmers. In Chicago, 400,000 schoolchildren enlisted in the "Clean Up for Victory" campaign, which salvaged scrap for industry and cleared lots for gardens."

Click here for the story

Then come back and talk about it. We've got some thinking to do on this issue...

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