Republican Candidate for Attorney General
Steve Shannon
Democratic Candidate for Attorney General
The discussion page of Free Thinking Individuals Throughout the Shenandoah Valley. ------------------ "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." ...Martin Luther King, Jr.
May 30, 2009
Registration will begin at 9 a.m.
Departure will begin at 10:00 a.m.
In case of inclement weather check back here for postponement details.
Registration fee:
$25 Riders
$15 Passengers
Fundraise $100 and ride for free!
Ride to start at:
Big Brothers Big Sisters makes a difference in the lives of youth. Children growing up today are faced with tough decisions at an early age. Big Brothers Big Sisters offers youth the support and guidance of a caring adult mentor.
For more information: Call 540.433.8886
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Valley 4th Volunteers Needed
Plans are well underway for the annual Valley 4th Celebration for July 4, 2009. Entertainment, vendors, a Beer Garden, the parade, and fireworks are scheduled for the event.
It takes a large number of volunteers to make this event happen. I am contacting you hoping that you will volunteer for at least one 2-hour shift throughout the day.
Many of you plan or attend events this day with family and friends, but we are asking that you only commit a 2 hour shift before or after your other plans.
This is a wonderful activity for a family, youth group or any other organization looking for a service activity.
We need people to do a little of everything—so there is the right kind of work for everyone. You could work in the hospitality room, information booth, place signs in strategic areas, help set-up stages, or participate in the pass the hats throughout the day.
The shifts begin at 9 am and run until 11 pm. Consider bringing family or friends with you to volunteer!
This is a great way to get to know the community and give back!
Please contact Mary Slade at with the shift time that you are available with any work preference or to ask any questions.
Kai Degner on the Mayor's Sustainability Summit from Scott Rogers on Vimeo.
Our community is rich with people, organizations, businesses, and projects committed to environmental and energy sustainability. As mayor, I have received more comments, questions, and ideas that fit into this larger theme than any other. Renewable energy, local foods, preparing for a post peak-oil world, green space, bike share programs, energy conservation initiatives, climate change - they’re all part of this conversation. What would be possible by connecting projects, people, businesses, and ideas to intentionally focus on more sustainable living in Harrisonburg and the central Shenandoah Valley? Let’s find out.What
Where and When
Dear Friend,
You and I have been through much together over the past few years. I realize that I have loaded up your email box with many messages during that time. Please know that I’ve not meant to be a bother, but rather to keep you informed so that you can choose to be involved as we work to achieve good and solid representation and leadership from our government.
Please plan to come out in support of
Please join me at 6:30pm this Thursday May the 14th, at the Harrisonburg City Council Chambers at
I am asking you personally to join me in this effort to send a very high quality individual to
Last year we joined together and elected Barack Obama and Mark Warner.
Last year was for
This year is for
Help me work to elect
The first step is to endow him with the Democratic Nomination as our Candidate.
What? The Nomination Caucus for Democratic Candidate to the Virginia House of Delegates, 26th District.
When? Thursday, May 14th 2009, at 6:30pm.
I hope to see you Thursday evening to work together for better government.
I remain sincerely yours in service,
"This straw poll, unlike previous polls, was essentially the first significant poll that people weren’t allowed to be bussed in to participate. As students of last November’s election remember, the 10th District played an important part in President Obama’s victory in both the primary and the general elections."
In the
1. Call. Pursuant to the authority provided by the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, the Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County Democratic Committees hereby call an Assembled Caucus to be held at 7:00pm, on Thursday May 14, 2009, at the Harrisonburg City Council Chambers, 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.
2. Incorporated Documents. All appropriate provisions of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“Party Plan”) and the Bylaws of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees (“Bylaws”) are incorporated into this Call and made a part hereof.
3. Purpose. The sole purpose of this Caucus shall be to nominate one candidate for the 26th House of Delegates District of the Virginia General Assembly, in accordance with the Code, Party Plan and Bylaws.
4. Candidate Requirements: Each candidate for nomination must meet the requirements specified by the Code, the Party Plan, and the Bylaws. Filing forms may be obtained from the Chair of the Harrisonburg Democratic Committee at
5. Notice Requirements: It shall be the duty of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees, and their officers and members, to ensure that this Call receives the widest possible dissemination.
6. Voting Eligibility and Requirements: Any Democrat who is registered to vote in the 26th House of Delegates District may vote in the Caucus, provided that he or she signs a declaration that he or she is a Democrat, is a registered voter in the 26th House of Delegates District, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, will not participate in the nominating process of any other political party and does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to a Democratic nominee in the next election for the 26th House of Delegates District.
7. Caucus Committees and Officers: The Chairs of the
8. Outreach: Participation in the Caucus is open to all registered voters who wish to participate as Democrats. The
This Call to Caucus adopted on 5-02-2009.
Alan Peter Finks, Chair,