Sunday, May 3, 2009

Democratic Call to Caucus for 26th House of Delegates District





1. Call. Pursuant to the authority provided by the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, the Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County Democratic Committees hereby call an Assembled Caucus to be held at 7:00pm, on Thursday May 14, 2009, at the Harrisonburg City Council Chambers, 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.

2. Incorporated Documents. All appropriate provisions of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“Party Plan”) and the Bylaws of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees (“Bylaws”) are incorporated into this Call and made a part hereof.

3. Purpose. The sole purpose of this Caucus shall be to nominate one candidate for the 26th House of Delegates District of the Virginia General Assembly, in accordance with the Code, Party Plan and Bylaws.

4. Candidate Requirements: Each candidate for nomination must meet the requirements specified by the Code, the Party Plan, and the Bylaws. Filing forms may be obtained from the Chair of the Harrisonburg Democratic Committee at 1133 Bluebird Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22802, or from the Chair of the Rockingham County Democratic Committee at 11830 Fort Turley Trail, Linville, VA 22834. Each candidate for nomination must submit a completed filing form, at the proper Committee’s address above, by Monday, 5-11-09, at 7:00pm. Each filing form must be accompanied by a filing fee of $50.00. If no qualified candidate files for said office, the nominee for the 26th House of Delegates shall be chosen by the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County nominating committee, and the Caucus shall not consider the question of a nominee for said office. If exactly one qualified candidate files for the 26th House of Delegates District, that candidate shall be declared the nominee, and the Caucus shall not consider the question of nominees for said office. If only one qualified candidate files for said office, that candidate shall be declared the nominee, and the Caucus shall not consider the question of nominees for said office. If there are no questions to be considered by the Caucus, the Caucus shall be canceled.

5. Notice Requirements: It shall be the duty of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees, and their officers and members, to ensure that this Call receives the widest possible dissemination.

6. Voting Eligibility and Requirements: Any Democrat who is registered to vote in the 26th House of Delegates District may vote in the Caucus, provided that he or she signs a declaration that he or she is a Democrat, is a registered voter in the 26th House of Delegates District, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, will not participate in the nominating process of any other political party and does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to a Democratic nominee in the next election for the 26th House of Delegates District.

7. Caucus Committees and Officers: The Chairs of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees shall appoint a temporary rules and credentials committee, which shall publish rules and credentials procedures for the Caucus. The Caucus shall elect a Permanent Chair and Clerk.

8. Outreach: Participation in the Caucus is open to all registered voters who wish to participate as Democrats. The Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Democratic Committees shall conduct a vigorous outreach effort to ensure that all members of the Democratic community are aware of the Caucus and how to participate. Such outreach shall be directed to all Democratic constituencies, including groups such as ethnic minorities, young people, persons over 65 years of age, lesbians and gay men, persons with a high school education or less, persons with differing abilities, and persons of low and moderate income.

This Call to Caucus adopted on 5-02-2009.

Alan Peter Finks, Chair, Harrisonburg Democratic Committee


Lowell Lee Fulk, Chair, Rockingham County Democratic Committee


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