About time...
“We take no issue with the Tea Party movement. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy. What we take issue with is the Tea Party’s continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements. The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism & anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement,”
By-the-way, I know this guy, he works for me, he's a spoiled, self entitled child, he's a racist. This picture was taken at the Teaparty protest on the Mall last year. His sign says: "...Stand Idle While Some Kenyan Tries To Destroy America. I Don't Think So. Homey Don't Play Dat". I'm working on him, but honestly, he may be gone...
Bubby everyone knows you are a LIAR.
Everyone knows that you lie and then accuse someone else to distract people from your lies.
That was directed at the 2:48 comment
Bubby likes little boys. A WHOLE lot! John Doe here.
Bubby is a real POS i proved he was a liar when he said the tea party members cut Tom Perriello's brother's gas line.
Don't be mad at me Teaparty boy, it's not my fault the movement is fueled by racism. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting right with God. Just say it, "I hate that a Negro is President".
The Evidence is Overwhelming.
Bubby senator Byrd was a Democrat and a member of the KKK so how in the hell can you bunch of hypocrites call anyone else a racist ? Since BHO took office the rate of unemployment among African Americans has more than doubled.These are facts you racist bastards try hard to run from.
You know back when I was a boy and a Valley negro could be locked up for urinating in a "white" toilet, I don't remember many Valley conservatives standing up to that injustice. I guess I didn't appreciate all the tolerance going around!
But I do remember when Ronald Reagan was asking me to vote for him for President and said that the Voting Rights Act of 1964 was "humiliating to the South", that he wasn't talking to me.
1:49pm: How can anyone call you racist? By telling the truth.
Hiding behind finger pointing doesn't fool anyone. Why don't you just admit it?
Honesty is Best!
7-14 @4:47pm: Everyone knows you guys were trying to intimidate a Congressman but were too stupid to get the right guy, why don't you just admit that you're a stupid racist?
Honesty is Best!
7-14 @3:31pm: John Doe is just bitter that he flunked out of priest school and now he tries to hide his pedophilic bent by accusing others of having his yearnings.
Why don't you just admit it John?
Honesty is Best!
Democrats have done a good job of hiding the facts they they are the true racist for a long time but that time has now come to a end.
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