Katie Hoover of Broadway
We are very pleased to begin Dianne's latest phase of campaign by recognizing volunteers and special friends.
Our first recognition is our Face of Tomorrow Award.
Face of Tomorrow will highlight the wonderful dedicated young people who are working their hearts out to help build a better tomorrow, today.
Katie Hoover is a true blessing to our area. She has worked tirelessly (and with great results!)
for RCDC and local, state and national Democratic candidates.
In December Katie received the RCDC "Keeper of The Flame" award from
Rockingham Democratic Chairman Don Roderick at the annual Christmas Banquet.
Katie received a personal letter of thanks and special recognition from Delegate Brian Moran.
Katie was honored as one of our Most Important Young Democrats in the Sixth Congressional District by Sixth District Chair David Layman with special recognition from Senator Creigh Deeds during the Annual Sixth District Fundraising and Awards Event held June 16, 2007.
Katie is the daughter of Eric and Brenda Hoover of Broadway (who have blessed her with endless support!)
Thank you Katie Hoover, we are fortunate that you are our community's
Face of Tomorrow
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