Gallup: Limbaugh, Gingrich, Cheney Seen as Speaking for GOP
Obama overwhelmingly seen as main person who speaks for Democrats
Asked to name the "main person who speaks for the Republican Party today," Republicans across the country are most likely to name three men: Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Cheney.
Democrats are most likely to say Limbaugh speaks for the GOP, followed by Cheney.
Both Republicans and Democrats overwhelmingly say Barack Obama is the main person who speaks for the Democratic Party, although Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats to mention Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Read the report
Here in Virginia, citizens identified the top three Republicans:
Moe, Larry and Curly.
Who else would have turned a Party that was once built upon a firm libertarian foundation, into a shrinking group of frightened suburbanites who are willing to approve a National I.D. card, provide federal agencies unlimited power to spy on and jail our citizens, and approve trade deals that have gutted our national strategic manufacturing base, while exporting American jobs, by the millions, to Communist China.
The Republican Party must be replaced. The current cabal is run like a Three Stooges enterprise with the exception of the thoroughness with which they have sold-out the citizens of this nation.
Thank you J. Tyler Ballance.
You're expressing much the same I hear every day, and the current party leadership (R) is tone deaf to the song being sung.
We have a new generation of voters who have no patience for the same old partisan back and forth and I am so glad to see them riding across the hill to help out!
'We have a new generation of voters who have no patience for the same old partisan back and forth..."
Hey, here's a newsflash Fulk...you run a blog that is nothing but the "old partisan back and forth". In fact, its this very one! The holier than thou, delusional BS you peddle here and elsewhere is just too much.
Too much?
I'm not cutting my prices on the high quality and very valuable information you get here.
I can understand your frustration though.
It'll take you a while to get over your candidate for Governor (McDonnell if you didn't know)stabbing his once good friend and party chairman (Jeff Frederick) squarely in the back and abandoning the time tested values of the VA GOP in order to pander to RINOs and Independent voters by running to the middle.
Hope you have a nice day! :o)
What in the hell are you talking about, Fulk? You're a party hack through and through, and nothing more then that. To point the finger at others for the same old partisan back and forth when you engage in that garbage every single day is the height of hypocrisy. My comment had nothing to do with McDonnell, Frederick, or any other politician...it was solely directed at you and your BS.
Should I type more slowly to aide your comprehension?
I do hope you're enjoying this beautiful day. :o)
And I really don't know much about the height of hypocrisy, how's the view up there?
Can you see Russia?
Did I hit a nerve, party hack? Look around this blog, nothing but mindless propaganda for Democrats. I'm glad the primary is over...now you know which one of the tools with the big "D" next to their name gets your vote!
That's ok though, Lowell...I have a feeling if you had to really think about these issues instead of relying on whatever Kaine and Co. feed you that poor little mind of yours would be quite overwhelmed.
Hangover being kinda tough on you huh? Take some aspirin and call me in the morning. And I've reconsidered my advice to get out into the sun, probably makes your head feel that much worse. Whatever you do, don't think about cold greasy food.
Ahh, now we get the party hack who thinks he's all witty and stuff, just as he thinks he's all "free thinkin" and bipartisan and everything.
Its OK, Fulk...hey, you're happy being a partisan mouthpiece for the Dems. Good for you! But please spare everyone the sanctimonious drivel, k? (I know I included a big word for you there...just go to dictionary.com and have your wife read you the definition.)
You know? I've been thinking about how rough you're feeling and in turn I feel kind of guilty about making you think about cold greasy food like blood sausage and moldy bologna and sardines that have been sitting in the sun.
Why don't you just go ahead and pop the top and use a little "hair of the dog" to help you over this rough patch?
You know you want to...
I won't think less of you, I promise. :o)
Fulk, I know you can't really argue about you being nothing but a party hack, because even you know it to be true. When you speak of others engaging in petty partisanship or using nothing more than talking points, what you're really doing is projecting. And again, that's OK. Hey, you're happy blindly following whatever the Dems decide to throw against the wall...good for you!
Ignorance is bliss, after all, so it only stand to reason you'd be quite the happy little fella.
Ah... Back in the bottle I see. Now, don't you already feel better?
And see, I don't think any less of you at all. I couldn't really...
Thank you, thank you, remember folks, I'm here all week.
You're not helping the impression some have in the community of you being a weirdo, but that's OK too. Maybe that'll help you actually win a HoD race sometime, eh?
Now I'm hurt. To think that after all this time and hard work you and your tree house club only have the impression I'm a weirdo? I suppose I'll just have to work harder.
Gosh but what a beautiful day! I'm sorry you're not enjoying it.
"Maybe that'll help you actually win a HoD race sometime, eh?"
Not in the cards for me my friend. I had my shot and came up short.
Tree house club? I'm afraid you're projecting again, but I'm sympathetic because its all you got. And that's OK, like I've said all along.
And no more campaigns for the Virginia House? Shucks. But that might be best. I think voters got to know you all too well before, which is why you came up short. Your time is probably better spent showing other Dem candidates your, ahem, winning ways.
All I've got to show is "how not to win" examples I'm afraid.
Head feeling better?
How is that CHANGE working out for you ?
BHO sure is helping the Republican party with plenty of ammo for 2012
With all of Obama's screw ups so far i can not believe i voted for this man, i will not make that mistake again
Wait a minute J. Tyler Ballance Bill Clinton approved NAFTA and BHO is throwing money at every problem with no idea how to fix anything. With all the joy you Democrats found in BHO what you have failed to realize is when he fails he will destroy your party.I have in the past week heard 3 different Democrats say that BHO is in the process of destroying the party. So please hang in there with him so you all can sink with BHO.
LOWELL im calling you out what do you have to say about Obama stand up for your man you spineless Democrat
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