J.D. Power & Associates said new-vehicle retail sales so far in June have risen "notably" from May, showing signs of "tempered but continued recovery in the market."
"Consumer confidence is improving, and market uncertainty is starting to decline, which has made consumers more willing to take advantage of deals on new vehicles," said Gary Dilts, senior vice president of global automotive operations at J.D. Power.
Read more
So, the article basically says sales sucked less this month than last, but final numbers are not in. Fleet sales are DOWN, as Obamanomics puts more companies out of business. Cap and Trade, if passed by the Senate will put the final nail in the floundering economy and the Socialist "revolution" in the US will fall the way it has in the rest of the world.
Your censored spin job post left out "Auto sales have stopped falling to new lows in the U.S. so far this year, but the plateaued annual rate of about 9 million units is far below recent years, which averaged 16 million vehicles." The article said sales for the year will be half of recent years. Your positive spin shows you obviously don't work for an auto related industry.
What JD Power says is, " This is down 9 percent from a year earlier but marks a 14 percent improvement over May.
Combined with sales to fleet customers such as corporations, government agencies and car rental companies, U.S. June auto sales are estimated at 10.3 million units on the annualized basis, the agency said.
That compares with 9.8 million units in May and would represent the best selling rate for 2009."
Sales up by 14% over the previous month and the "best selling rate for 2009."
If you're the anon on Republitarian yesterday then I would say Lowell was right and you were wrong. Things are starting to turn.
Just saying.
If you don't subscribe to WSJ click here for the story
Fulk keep on drinking the Kool aid even Joe Biden knows better.
Things are starting to turn - right. And the higher taxes are going to help. Health care and Cap and Tax and more stimulus. More debt and a crushing blow to the economy. 30 states are unable to pay unemployment because they took the Obama money and broke the bank. This means more taxes on business and more job losses. The light you see at the end of the tunnel is a train called depression. The OBAMA depression. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. The rest of the world has already started throwing your kind to the curb. The US is next. The Obama disaster has not hit bottom yet.
10:02 Very well said. Fulk and the rest of the party hacks will get full of Kool-Aid as soon as the tax bills start coming in.BHO will be the downfall of the Democrats so hold on Fulk its going to be a bumpy ride.
Fulk feed that BS to all the Chrysler and GM dealers that lost their Franchise. I wonder if Obama is going to bail them out. The bail out was suppose to keep them afloat another failed Obama plan.
"30 states are unable to pay unemployment because they took the Obama money and broke the bank."
That's a flat lie and you know it.
Either you are to stupid to know when someone is feeding you your helping of BS or you are a liar all on your own.
You don't even understand how unemployment works.
And now you say you know more than JD Power and the Wall Street Journal? Are they Dem party hack news?
You are a lying idiot.
How does it work then Sammy Newcomb ?
Fulk car sales are always up in June that was a great spin but try again you didn't fool anyone
Does anyone remember Obama saying he was going to CHANGE the way the world looks at the USA? Sorry BHO i don't think that worked with Iran.
Ford increased production by 10,000 vehicles this month. Looks like they are going after market share as GM and Chrysler sort things out.
The report said what the report said anon. Get that through your thick head.
"The OBAMA depression." Let's see, that's what your fearless GOP leader Flush Limpballs was saying before November 10th. You guys are such blind followers it should be criminal. Jim Jones would be proud.
Sales of existing single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.77 million units in May, a 2.4 percent increase from 4.66 million in April.
Washington, June 23, 2009
Sales of existing homes showed another gain in May, benefiting from favorable affordability conditions and a first-time buyer tax credit. May’s increase was the first back-to-back monthly gain since September 2005.
First-time home buyers are driving a resurgence in the real estate market.
There are several reasons for the trend, real estate experts say, including falling prices, continued low interest rates and now, federal tax credits.
Nationally, average prices of existing single-family homes are down nearly 24 percent since their July 2006 peak, according to Cyberhomes.com, a subsidiary of Fidelity National Financial Inc., based in Jacksonville, Fla.
While interest rates have risen above the historic lows recorded earlier this year, they remain low. And now the U.S. government is offering first-time buyers an $8,000 tax credit to further sweeten the deal.
"A lot of first-time home buyers are taking advantage of the tax credit," said Pat McCarthy, president of the Peoria Area Association of Realtors.
"The Realtors I talk to say that buyers are back out again. Of course, you need to have good credit. It should have been that way in the first place," he said.
Sorry, I don't listen to Limbaugh. Why do you lefties always say that when you've lost an argument? And 30 states - ALL of which took the unemployment bailout - are broke as far as unemployment. Taking that money required extending benefits from 26 to 59 weeks, raising weekly checks and including part timers. Well, the money ran out FAST. Obama's strings just cost more jobs. I own an Insurance Agency and use several part timers. They are gone if Va takes the money. I totally understand. Higher taxes WILL cost jobs, because I am the one handing out pink slips. Business is down and I am trying to hold on to everyone. Things are NOT getting better. That is just wishful thinking on the part of you Olberman / Matthews worshipers. Obama is a complete failure. You are just too dim to see that.
The housing sales are due to foreclosures. Housing starts are ALWAYS up in May over April. And June is higher still. The weather determines that. But the true story is in the year to year comparison. Comparing one abysmal month to a slightly more abysmal prior month means nothing. I promise the housing starts will decline month to month starting in September. May - August is the season. That is about like comparing Hanover tomato harvest. June is going to be up over May, July over June, etc. You guys are really grasping to avoid the truth. It's sad, really. I am sure you were once immune to spin from the White House. Like, last year?
The unemployment insurance is being depleted at a high rate due to the high unemployment rate, not because of Obama. The added federal money is making it so states can pay longer before they have to raise the insurance rates. Extending the duration of benefits didn't make them be used up sooner pink slip boy. And expanding benefits only applied to a small portion of the workforce.
What company are you running? I don't believe you, why don't you prove it? You can say whatever you want without any accountability because you're a chicken and hide your name. You don't have any credibility at all and yeah you do listen to Flush because you say the exact same thing he tells you to.
A rally in oil, retail and technology shares lifted the Dow industrials Monday and helped the Nasdaq erase losses at the start of a holiday-shortened trading week.
The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) added 77 points, or 0.9%, over an hour into the session. The S&P 500 (SPX) index gained 6 points, or 0.7%, and the Nasdaq (COMP) added 4 points, or 0.2%.
The unemployment insurance is being depleted at a high rate due to the high unemployment rate, not because of Obama. The added federal money is making it so states can pay longer before they have to raise the insurance rates.
What do you need, sign language? The unemployment monthly checks are larger and now cover part time workers. This depleted the funds along with the "extra" money. 30 states have used up all the "extra" money and are now on the hook for the higher payments for a longer time.
Extending the duration of benefits didn't make them be used up sooner pink slip boy.
Did you go to school? Those whose benefits were running out when the state took the loan shark money from Obama are STILL getting checks. Of course it uses the benefits up sooner. And EVERYONE got a raise. About $4. Big stimulus.
What company are you running? I don't believe you, why don't you prove it? You can say whatever you want without any accountability because you're a chicken and hide your name. You don't have any credibility at all and yeah you do listen to Flush because you say the exact same thing he tells you to.
Like I said, when you liberals lose an argument, you blame Limbaugh. I do not listen to him. Don't need to. I "hide" my name because of crazy people like you. I don't fear you, I just don't feel the need to justify myself to hate filled morons like yourself. But I do own a business, and really don't care one way or the other if you believe me or not. But one of the reasons I am very interested in the unemployment taxes and other taxes is because I hate to let people go. And it means I will have to work more hours and do things I would rather hire someone to do, like file, answer phones and take payments. I write policies, give advice and do quotes. I provide a part time income for 5 to 6 women who are all married, have kids and benefits through the husband. They don't want full time work, but want extra money. One or two days a week. So I have no worries about unemployment tax, it is VERY low. But I will probably get rid of all of the part timers and just keep one full time rather than be hit for more taxes I can't afford and don't want to pay. I feel I am providing extra money that allows several people to do a bit more with their kids and still spend quality time with them. Obama is likely to put an end to that. But I suppose people like you are so neurotic it is beyond your comprehension.
This hatred of Obama is an illness that causes people to repeat lies. 30 states will have to borrow money by next year because they did not adequately budget their unemployment trust fund with adequate premiums. Seems like a smart insuranceman would know this. The money will be repaid by higher unemployment insurance rates on all employers.
And lets be clear, you hire part time women because they will work for less and you don't have to provide benefits like paid leave, and health insurance. Dick. You don't have a business, you have a hobby.
You must be looking in the mirror when you talk about crazy people, your behavior is just what you expect someone to do to you. You expect people to act like you do in a given situation. You accuse others of what is your operating style. And for the record, I don't believe you either. You don't run a successful business with that attitude. And the whole way you look at people who work part time jobs is pathetic. If you actually had a business, you wouldn't be "providing" those women with money, you would be paying them for work of value and that indicates a fair and even exchange, not a gift from big boss man to the girls.
I read this discussion and thought I'd just check for myself so I called the owner of one of the local new car dealerships here in town and just asked if the J.D. Power report was any where close. He he said that it was as far as he was concerned. While sales aren't great, they're looking up for June and far better than the first five months of the year.
And I would say based on my observations that the anonymous commenter is borderline unstable and shouldn't be picked on too much.
Although foreclosures have become commonplace across the country, especially in states like Nevada, California and Florida, there are signs the housing market is starting to turn around. "First-time home buyers are leading the way," said McCarthy.
"This hatred of Obama is an illness that causes people to repeat lies."
Hatred of Obama? This, coming from a-holes who were and still are afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome? Get off your high horse, douchebag...you have no business lecturing anyone on anything of the sort.
And hoping for the failure of our President to steer us past the disasters left by Bush is fundamentally un-American. It reveals you to be an ideologue, a sore loser. Americans are optimistic, and unafraid of the future.
Bubby the reason Ford picked up market share is because customers are turned off by GM and Chrysler taking bail out money you will continue to see this trend .
Fulk you still don't have any answers do you ?
Your link to CNBC proves my point. The only thing you missed is the bias. Wonder why the only extolled the virtues of the stimulus money without even mentioning the extra burden taking this money caused. What the states failed to do is budget for the unexpected job losses from community organizer Obama's inexperienced policies. Had Obama resisted the temptation to increase the size of the federal government and actually put forth an honest stimulus package, then this 18 month long recession, still sliding, would be over instead of deepening. Reagan and Bush got us out of a total of 3 recessions by cutting taxes and reducing spending. Well, guess what? It is official. Obama's plan to increase debt, grow federal government, reward unions that drag productivity down, increase taxes on workers making LESS THAN 100K and tossing his promised transparency in the toilet does not work. It makes matters worse. On the back of a broken economy he now wants a cap and trade bill that will send refineries and oil production to Mexico, with the jobs, and the few remaining manufacturing jobs will head overseas to more friendly nations. Oh, and let's add a totally unaffordable health care nationalization plan that will ration health care, let the sick and elderly die while Obama and Congress continue to receive the best possible care. We can't even afford social security, medicare and Medicaid and he wants to add more to the mix.
I provide jobs to a segment of the population that wants to work a few days a week, does not want benefits, and has a liberal time off for kids, or bring the kid to work policy. I hire through Craigs List. Last time I posted an $8 per hour job, 2 days per week, I got over 100 qualified applicants in 20 hours. I only hire the ones that fit my needs. IT is a win win situation. The ladies are very happy and even those that move from the area stay in touch. It is an easy job that provides and extra $500 to $1000 per month and allows them to do all the things with the kids they want. Often, if an unexpected expense comes up, I let them work more hours. I pay state and federal taxes, unemployment insurance, workers comp, business liability insurance, business taxes and taxes on my phones, internet and electric bills.
Believe it or not, I have found a work force that fits my needs and LOVES the job. No stress, kids first, and extra money. I have always paid well above minimum wage. I can't afford afford health care for myself and now use the VA. I am not the "Big Boss", they know where the door is. Do you know how hard it is to find a part time job that will work around your schedule? I have had employees watch one another's kids so they could both work. One of the lady's husbands has deployed to Germany for a year and she has decided to stay because she does not want to leave the job.
And yes, if I had to pay for health care, something I can't afford myself, I would most likely just shut down. I am retired military and supplement my income with my business. I could work elsewhere, with less headaches and still pay my bills. But I like what I do. And so do my employees.
You guys are putting on a perfect liberal demonstration of why Obama has failed. All business owners are the enemy and only out to screw the public. If not for my retirement check I would have closed down a long time ago. Some months I can't even pay myself, but I have never failed to pay an employee in full and on time.
But I can tell you, Obama is making the environment so hostile it may be impossible to continue. And I have a lot of friends that own small businesses, some have already gone under. Obama is killing businesses and it is just the beginning. Millions of small businesses are hurting and cannot afford more mandates like health insurance for part timers, more unemployment taxes.
But my only consolation is that every mean, greedy business owner Obama puts out of business are a few dozen more votes he loses.
You people do realize there is more than one "Anonymous" posting here, right?
The quote below states retail car sales were up in June over May, but Fleet sales were down, so June was no better than May. Things are NOT improving, unless you call piss poor for two months in a row an improvement.
New-vehicle retail sales for the month are expected to come in at 789,400 units, which represent a seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR) of 9.2 million units. While this down by nine percent from one year ago, it represents a gain of 14 percent from May 2009.
At the same time retail sales for June were improving from May, fleet sales were falling. As a result, the June SAAR for total vehicle sales remains stable from one month ago.
U.S. industrywide retail auto sales have improved markedly in the first 17 selling days of June from a month ago, indicating a "tempered but continued" recovery in the market, an influential industry tracking service said on Thursday.
J.D. Power & Associates said new vehicle retail sales are expected to come in at 789,400 units in June, which represent a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 9.2 million units.
This is down 9 percent from a year earlier but marks a 14 percent improvement over May.
Combined with sales to fleet customers such as corporations, government agencies and car rental companies, U.S. June auto sales are estimated at 10.3 million units on the annualized basis, the agency said.
That compares with 9.8 million units in May and would represent the best selling rate for 2009.
"Consumer confidence is improving, and market uncertainty is starting to decline, which has made consumers more willing to take advantage of deals on new vehicles," said Gary Dilts, senior vice president of global automotive operations at J.D. Power.
"And hoping for the failure of our President to steer us past the disasters left by Bush is fundamentally un-American. It reveals you to be an ideologue, a sore loser. Americans are optimistic, and unafraid of the future."
Oh please...come off it already. The Left spent the Bush years blatantly hoping he'd fail...who the f*ck are you kidding? And it wasn't just him; the Left openly cheered every setback in Afghanistan and Iraq, wishing failure upon our men and women and uniform. Every troop death was trumpeted as more proof it was a lost cause, all for nothing more than political considerations.
Save your sanctimonoous drivel for your brian dead buddies at the anti-America ralies, OK?
3:29 I am a life long Democrat that admits the Obama spending is sending the USA down the wrong road.The AIG and the auto bailout was a disaster that will take years to pay for. This was not the change i voted for.
Fulk take up for your other party hacks they are 0-12 in the last inning.
Gop Left Me your brain must have left you also.
Obama doesn't want to end the war he just sent more troops over seas wake up people, that bring home the troops BS was just a tool to get elected.
For Mr. Verbatim:
Consumer affairs is pretty much politically non biased and this is the same JD Powers story. CNBC is not a credible source anymore. I try to find my news without the spin.
March 2003 _ U.S. troops invade Iraq: 192,000.
May 2003 _ President Bush declares the end of major combat: 146,000.
January 2005 _ First post-invasion Iraqi election: 159,000.
October 2005 _ Iraqi referendum on the constitution: 157,000.
December 2005 _Iraqi parliamentary elections: 152,000.
June 2006 _ Lowest troop level since July 2004: 125,000.
September 2006 _ Escalating insurgent violence: 147,000.
Mid-January 2007 _ Bush announces troop "surge" plan: 132,000.
End-January 2007 _ Troops begin moving into Iraq: 137,000
October 2007 _Troop buildup peaks: 170,000.
March 2008 _ U.S. troop deaths reach 4,000: 158,000.
Jan 2009_Change of U.S. Presidency: 145,000.
June 29, 2009_ Withdrawal from Iraqi cities (current): 131,000.
There are about 131,000 troops in Iraq, including 12 combat brigades. After the troops leave Tuesday, the number gets reduced to -- about 128,000, until January when the national election takes place.
More than 150, or about 85 percent, of American bases and outposts have closed in Iraqi cities this year.
I don't use CNBC, I primarily read professional reports. J.D. Power is not a group you can discount.
Art, so what you are saying is that from October 08 till Obama took office GWB brought 25 thousand troops home and from the time Obama took office till next week Obama is only reducing it by 17 thousand troops? Those were your figures. It looks like GWB was reducing troops faster if YOUR figures are right.You really proved a point i have been saying all along BHO is full of shit.
Man, it must really suck to be a rightwing nut these days. Your politicians and their advisers are under investigation for high crimes, "family values" were as empty a slogan as "fiscal conservative", your comrades are shooting people they don't agree with, and Rush Limbaugh is fighting Newt Gingrich for control of the Republican Party...I see your pain...but blaming the President and "liberals" just makes you look hopelessly stupid and irrelevant. Not a recipe for renewal.
Learn to read:
October 2007 _Troop buildup peaks: 170,000.
March 2008 _ U.S. troop deaths reach 4,000: 158,000.
Jan 2009_Change of U.S. Presidency: 145,000.
June 29, 2009_ Withdrawal from Iraqi cities (current): 131,000.
You stated that Obama was adding troops when in fact he isn't.
If you're attempting to include the troops sent to Afghanistan in the number then you are dishonestly relating events and projections. Obama said in February 2008 that he intended to place more emphasis on Afghanistan and has kept that promise.
No spin, just facts FYI.
Great spin Art but there are actually more troops over seas now than when GWB was in office but keep on drinking the Kool-Aid
Art i quess the next thing you are going to say is since the stimulus package was passed more people are working.When in the real world we have lost over 2 million jobs. You have been brain washed by Fulk.
Bubby get yourself another glass of that special Kool-Aid the Democrats are backing up on Obama now don't take my word for it ask Joe Biden.
Lowell help us please we cant defend BHO without you .
George Bush had the worst job creation record since the Labor Department started keeping records - 3 million. Bill Clinton managed to create 23 million jobs.
Those are facts.
"Art i quess the next thing you are going to say is since the stimulus package was passed more people are working."
No, that wouldn't be true. If I posted that I would be dishonest like you, and I'm not.
"Great spin Art but there are actually more troops over seas now than when GWB was in office..."
I look forward to the data you plan to use to support your claim. Also, until now you've been claiming he's increased troop levels in Iraq instead of reducing them. Now you've changed to "troops overseas".
Not too honest there either, are you...?
Yah big deal Bubby, but Bush never got a blowjob or drown some girl either.
Nice data anon.
Liberals have an extra chromosome. Please stop blaming Kool-Aid. My kids are starting to distrust it.
No anon, this isn't about liberals, it's all about those who think for themselves, and those who let the talking heads and radio personalities do their thinking for them. You know, the ditto heads. I mean come on, that's why they keep saying ditto, and mega dittos etc... I've seen much data put forward during this discussion and you can't refute any of it or even disagree as a man with honor. You call people "douchebag" as a way to make your point. Please keep posting. I'm asking my friends on the fence to come and witness for themselves the difference between thinking individuals and ditto heads.
Well look here.
I get home to find that the site has been rather busy.
It would seem that the anons are getting their behinds handed to them today.
Good job Art, thanks for the data.
And good job to you Shari, thanks for highlighting reality.
Thanks Bubby and GOP Left Me.
All you folks rock!
I get home to find that the site has been rather busy.
It would seem that the anons are getting their behinds handed to them today.
Did you not read the Liberal Surrender Flag? When liberals have lost, they drag out Limbaugh comments. I count the tally 56-0 - Libs with Zero.
See, in person, you just talk louder, on the internet you say "dittohead" and either way you lost.
Go out and buy some Obama light bulbs. Your Nanny said so.
Having trouble putting coherent thoughts together I see anon. That's o.k., after the whoopin you took today it's probably just now you got your nose to stop bleeding.
Take your medication, and go to bed.
Sweet dreams cupcake.
If you really believe that car sales are up compare the numbers of May and June for the past 5 years everyone will see the true picture.
Fulk the Presidential approval index rating is down again this week to a new low of -2 if like you say everything is improving why is this rating going down ?
Only 17% of Americans think the goverment can spend money wisely and carefully than a private company.Thats real confidence in BHO isn't it Lowell.
Only 31% of voters think the stimulus package is going to help the economy down from 34% just 2 months ago.
Just 18% of US voters now say congress is doing a good or excellent job down from 23% in May the Democrats are in control of congress aren't they FULK why are all of the polls dropping Lowell ?
Do you enjoy arguing about things of which you really have no control?
Humor me just a moment if you would.
What issues would you like to solve?
What are the top three things you would like to make better?
No problem Fulk after you answer my questions
Consumer confidence is also down 5.5% in the last 30 days Fulk tell me is this the CHANGE you voted for ?
Fair enough anon, could you link to your data sets so we'll both be working from the same page? I think Zogby is what you're referring to for the approval index?
actually i was speaking of the Rasmussen report
Fulk check out the Associated Press article. Auto sales declines in June. I knew that was BS you we shoveling.Only your blind party hacks believed it anyway. Fulk wake up Obama is failing. Will you answer one question for me? If the bailouts had not been given to Chrysler and GM what would the difference be now ? They still went Bankrupt didn't they.
I meant were shoveling
Thanks for pointing that article out anon, but I must ask, did you actually read it? It's saying the same thing I said...
I'm actually going to use it for my next post.
Thanks again!
Yeah i did it says sales were down am i missing something ?
"Analysts predict that June sales, adjusted for seasonal variances and multiplied to determine an annual rate, could top the 10 million mark for the first time this year."
anon, no one is trying to say that things aren't bad, or that they aren't worse than they were last year, and the year before that, but instead that things seem to have bottomed and are beginning to show signs of a turn. For the better.
Fulk you still avoided my question. So i will ask you again if the bailouts had not been given to to Chrysler and GM what would the difference be now?
Fulk why will you not answer my questions ? Was it not a fair question ?
No, just up to my ears with work of late. I'll get to it anon, but blogging isn't the top of the priority list right now so I just get to it when I can. Got big plans for the 4th?
No not really just going to SML to the lake house for the weekend thanks for asking Fulk if you keep it up i might start thinking you are a nice guy.How about you Fulk ? thanks Tom
Fulk I just loaded up my new 2009 F150 im on my way to SML so I will debate with you when i get back so please have me some good answers. God bless you and your family and God bless America. thanks Tom
I realize you're probably already at the lake, but I hope you and your family have a very enjoyable, safe and blessed holiday weekend.
Fulk what im shocked still no answers yet ?
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