Statement by the new
Chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, Pat Mullins,
regarding our Democratic Party Candidates...
Virginia Republicans...
as if we didn't already know they're out of touch...
Chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, Pat Mullins,
regarding our Democratic Party Candidates...
Virginia Republicans...
as if we didn't already know they're out of touch...

“Republicans are the Party of ‘Yes.’ We will promote energy independence. We will protect our Right-to-Work law and keep Virginia competitive. We will promote education reform through charter schools and performance pay for teachers. We will demand efficiency in spending and eliminate burdensome regulations to make government simpler and more user-friendly. And we will offer innovative solutions to stimulate the economy and promote job growth. At each step of the way, Republicans will say ‘yes!’ to these ideals, while our opponents will say ‘no!’
“Given the dismal voter turnout in their primary election, it is clear that there is little excitement in their party and an even smaller appetite for the kind of expansive government their candidates represent. By contrast, our party is enthusiastically behind our excellent ticket of Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli, as proven by the attendance of over 8,000 Republicans at our recent convention. Everywhere I travel in Virginia, local Republican interest is high, which bodes well for our chances in November.
“In Creigh Deeds, Democrats have selected a candidate for governor who has answered every question government faces by seeking new taxes to hike. He has consistently looked into the pocketbooks of hardworking Virginia families to fund his priorities, including supporting a 30-percent increase in the gasoline tax – even at a time when gas was hovering around $4.00 a gallon. Additionally, he leads a ticket that refuses to oppose Card Check, which damages the economy and kills jobs. As we fight to emerge from a difficult economic period, Virginia simply cannot afford a governor whose first options are to find more of the people’s money to throw around and embrace policies that hurt job creation.
“Jody Wagner brings a record of failed economic and financial policies of the past to the general election. She has supported raising nearly every tax imaginable on Virginia's families and businesses and was the leader of the financial team that created $5 billion in budget deficits. A close ally of Big Labor, she also opposes efforts to expand nuclear power, clean coal and development of Virginia's off shore energy resources, which would create thousands of new jobs.
“Steve Shannon is looking to leave behind his status as a back-bencher in the legislature to continue to promote his belief in higher economic burdens on working families. His record reflects full-voiced support for higher taxes and staunch opposition to tax relief. When Virginians are hurting and are in need of new and better jobs, his view of the taxpayer as an unlimited funding source is the last thing we want.
“Finally, the rejection of Terry McAuliffe indicates that even Democrats are disillusioned about the direction their party and leadership have taken. When a wealthy, insider financed, nationally prominent, personal friend of the Clintons is rebuked in such a manner, it is a clear indicator of a party in disarray from top to bottom. On the Republican side, we are energized and look forward to the road ahead.”
Geez, it's easy to see why only 21% of Americans now consider themselves "Republicans"
Can you say delusional?
In my day the Republican Party stood for something. They don't any more other than just trying to get power. Can anybody name just one good idea from these jokers? Outlawing toy lighters? Robbing school kids of poultry plant workers to pay for private schools for the children of soft boys who marry into a bottled water company family?
The Democrats are having buyers remorse for electing BHO. Will someone please tell me what he has done to help America? 4 billion dollars to Chrysler to save jobs and they still went BANKRUPT, 20 Billion to GM and now they are BANKRUPT more money wasted,and BHO says he will give them 30 billion more,the AIG bailout what a fiasco. BHO said he had to pass the stimulus package to save jobs if not unemployment might go to 8% now its over 9% that stimulus really worked. All i heard from the far left when GWB was in office was of failed policies i wonder what you will have to say when BHO gets done wasting money and has not fixed anything. T.E.A from Will
GOPLM, I agree, but i will say this--the only thing the Republican party seems to stand for is irritating people...seriously, most people who voted for Cuccinelli did it "because he makes liberals so mad, and its fun to watch."
When are these people going to learn that sticking your thumb in the eye of people you disagree with is not a political philosophy...and they wonder why Republicans keep losing in Va...
How is that CHANGE working out for you ?
Right wing anon,
It absolutely floors me that you people still don't get it. Even rats know when to jump from a sinking ship. You and your people are the reason why we need to invest more in education.
Let's see....the GOP led corporatocracy has has been destroying this country since Reagan. The fall of the house of cards was expedited under Bush's 8 years....and you have the arrogant AUDACITY to whine about Obama who has held office for a paltry 5 months?
Keep whinning cry baby. The truth is is that America will get back on its feet again not BECAUSE of you short-sighted, fear-mongering simpletons.....but in SPITE of you.
I really do not think you get it BHO has lied to you and his ship is sinking. What has BHO done that he promised? What about all the troops he was going to bring home, we have more over seas now than we did when GWB was in office yet another lie. You are the simple one you put all your eggs in the Obama basket now the basket has a hole in it. The only thing BHO has given us is empty promises.
What about the promise to put new people in Washington over 75% of his administration has been in Washington for over 20 years. More Obama bs.
All you can say is Bush messed up everything for 8 years, what about Clinton he passed NAFTA and that cost the USA thousands of jobs that will never return he forced the banks to make mortgages to people that could not afford them. The Democrats are the party of throw big money at every problem and HOPE that fixes it with no idea of where the money is going to come from .
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