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The discussion page of Free Thinking Individuals Throughout the Shenandoah Valley. ------------------ "Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." ...Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yeah the last campaign was full of empty promises why would anyone think this one would be any different more Democrat and more lies
Hey there Grumpy Gills. Head still hurting? Every where I speak with folks they are noticing an improvement, and that's what has you grumbling. Cheer up, you'll be o.k.
Tell that bs to the 2 million people that have lost jobs since the stimulus package was passed and all the companies going BANKRUPT. Are you still upset over that hod comment hahaha you lost and the people are better off
BHO must be going trying to get in the Guiness book for the most National debt in one year.
I've been reading Creigh Deeds Smarter Energy, Better Jobs and find it a remarkable plan to grab the future and build prosperity. The Hardest Working Man in Virginia (Creigh Deeds) is on it.
Why huckleberry muffin, your viewpoint is quite affected from looking outward through red rimmed eyes. The only person upset here seems to be you, we've all been very happy since November of last year.
Isn't it a gorgeous day!
And I agree Bubby, Creigh Deeds, our next Governor, is absolutely the hardest worker with the best judgment and ideas.
Maybe you should get BHO to come to Va to campaign for Deeds.
You are never happy thin skin
"And I agree Bubby, Creigh Deeds, our next Governor, is absolutely the hardest worker with the best judgment and ideas."
Hahaha, what an f'n joke! If you felt that way why didn't you support him on here BEFORE the primary, Dem hack? Oh, now that he's the nominee he's the hardest worker...and if Moran or McAuliffe won you'd have written the exact same sentence but with their names. What a free thinker!
anony -- Happy 2009! We love you just the way you are... we get it .. CHANGE = BAD, DO NOTHING = GOOD.
We love you man.
Peace Out!
Democratic Party officials must refrain from open candidate endorsements during contested primaries. As the Hardest Working Democrat in Rockingham County, Chairman Fulk's opinion has considerable weight.
You might notice that Virginia Democrats had a Gubernatorial Primary, Virginia Republicans had a coronation. Some dudes in Richmond decided that BobO was your candidate. Tidy, but hardly the American Way.
If he is so good now why did you campaign for the other man i bet he hasn't asked you for any help him old spineless one
Bob McDonnell is going to give Crying Deeds the same treatment he gave him in the AG race.
BHO wants to spend 1 trillion on health care what a idiot.
Anon, it's too early in the day to be getting confused in you're writing. What did you just write?
Wouldn't it be absolutely cool to get Obama to campaign for Creigh and our outstanding team?!
Anon, if President Obama does come back to the Valley for this campaign I'll get him to autograph something for you. I know you'll be thrilled!
Doesn't that have a nice ring? Come back to the Valley, means that he was here before... How cool is that?
"Democratic Party officials must refrain from open candidate endorsements during contested primaries. As the Hardest Working Democrat in Rockingham County, Chairman Fulk's opinion has considerable weight."
BS...he could've and you know it. Regardless, it only proves he's nothing but a Dem hack. And if the good chairman's opinions carry that much weight with you and the other sheep I feel bad for you.
Anon is letting his envy show.
I was thinking the same thing. That and a growing sense of impotence.
Please do get his autograph i will use it to wipe my ass with.
When your taxes start going up you won't think he is so great. Lowell didn't you get beat by over a thousand votes last time, some of that farming dust must be affecting your brain.
As far as Dem officials being banned from endorsements -- yes and no. The state plan says a committee can't endorse anyone in a contested primary, but doesn't specifically prohibit chairs from doing so. It's more of a tradition, and is included in many local bylaws. But as to support for the party nominee making someone a party hack. Not really. What makes us party hacks is the overwhelming belief that in the vast majority of instances, maybe all of them, Democratic Party principles and policies are immeasurably superior to those of not just Republicans, but libertarians, socialists, flat-earthers, know-nothings, and the other fringe parties.
Hope this clears things up for you, anonymous.
Aww, so nice of the good mayor to pop on and opine. Tell me...just how much is that golf course raking in for the 'burg, huh? http://www.dnronline.com/news_details.php?AID=11115&CHID=1
From the article: "Fitzgerald also was not re-elected in 2004 after serving a two-year term as mayor.
He does not regret supporting construction of the course. Though he ran against the project in 2000, Fitzgerald cast the deciding vote in favor of it after the election."
Yep, Democrat principles in action! Thanks mayor!!!
Two question, anonymous:
1. Are you just now hearing about the golf course?
2. Is that your real name?
Two Answers, JGFitzgerald:
1. No, but since you brought up those exalted Democrat principles I thought I'd highlight where you put those to good use. Awesome job...I can't believe you didn't win re-election.
2. What do you think? (I just hate it when people answer a question with another, don't you?)
And the name's Ernest T. ...you ain't heard the last of me!
Ernest T. Bass, exemplar of the mighty right party intelligentsia...
We couldn't have figured out a better representation of the mindset and philosophy of you guys if we had worked at it for a full seven minutes ourselves!
Joe, what do you think?
On the money! Thank you anon, er, Ernest...
Some of the best quotes in the English language, bon mots, if you will, come from "The Importance of Being Earnest." Including the exchange, "That's the truth, plain and simple," followed by, "The truth is rarely plain, and never simple." Earnestly? Honestly!
"..you ain't heard the last of me!"
I love it. Playing with R-Trolls is soooo much fun!
I now have a little more respect for Joe Biden that i do for you party hack even Biden knows how to admit that BHO's stimulus plan did not work.
Lowell maybe you and the good mayor can help crying Deeds with his campaign you both did such a great job last time hahaha Lmao
"I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a very delicate exotic fruit. Touch it and the bloom is gone." Lady Bracknell in "The Importance of Being Earnest"
I can do chin-ups, I'm the best rock thrower in the County, and I'm saving up for a gold tooth. I'm the man for you Lowell Fulk...
Anon, like all neocons, is just a shrill, insecure, coward seeking attention. Why don't you man up and identify yourself?
I see you but you can't see me pekabee its Ernest T. HeeeeeeTeeeeWhooooooo!
this all seems rather like bunburying to me...
Sorry anon of 11:48, but I'm happily married and hopelessly hetro.
But I'm flattered all the same, good luck in finding someone who likes rocks, chin ups, and a gold tooth.
I just thought maybe you were looking since your wife has been seen in hburg stepping out on you
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