Get out your notebook and pen, and start writing letters...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sledding into a conflict of interest
Robert Sledd, appointed by Governor-elect Bob McDonnell as Secretary of Commerce and Trade, wants to stay on the board of directors of three corporations while serving in public office. Sledd desires the arrangement so much that he's even offering to take a pay cut. In a weak attempt to justify the questionable situation, a McDonnell spokesman said:
Cross-posted at Coarse Cracked Corn.
The point of his proposing this is to save the commonwealth money, and to stay connected to the business community....
Sledd is on the board of directors of Universal Corp., a Richmond-based tobacco giant; SCP Pool Corp.; and Owens & Minor Co., a Richmond medical supplies distributor. He earns more than $224,000 from the companies, not counting Universal Corp., for which his earnings are not available.
It is appalling that Governor-elect McDonnell and Mr. Sledd would even float this idea. Even friends worry it may create an impression of conflict-of-interest since the Secretary of Commerce and Trade is the big kahuna over more than a dozen state agencies that oversee businesses. The Secretary is also a key advisor to the Governor on policies, influences legislation, and enforces state laws on business issues.
This arrangement, although neither technically illegal nor unheard of in American politics, is just plain wrong. Dave Levinthal of the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics (created the that tracks federal campaign contributions) noted:
If you're in a position of public trust and you're working on behalf of a private interest all the while, there are some concerns that could be raised about where your interests really lie.
Bob Gibson of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership, a UVA-based training program that emphasizes ethics, bipartisanship, thoughtful public policy, and building public confidence in government called the arrangement "unusual."
Mr. McDonnell, Mr. Sledd - the very fact that you are considering this "unusual" deal should give Virginians reason to pause and consider how well your ethical and moral barometers really function. We want and demand a full-time Secretary of Commerce and Trade who is not burdened by perceived and actual conflicts-of-interests. If Mr. Sledd is unwilling to give up those directorships during the next four years, then he should withdraw from the appointment before the new Governor takes office. Otherwise there will be a taint of favoritism and the stench of a government official working for someone other than the people.
Cross-posted at Coarse Cracked Corn.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Reorganization of Rockingham County Democratic Committee
Date: | Thursday, January 7, 2010 |
Time: | 7:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | The Rockingham County Administration Center |
Street: | 20 East Gay Street |
City/Town: | Harrisonburg, LA |
Rockingham County Democrats will choose the leadership team to take us forward as we build on the solid gains we've made this decade.
Come out and get involved as we move the County Democratic Committee into the next decade of Community Building, Education on Important Issues, Progressive Direction and Ideals, and Service to the Valley.
Join us as we continue the work of better and more representative government!
We will be electing the following:
District Chair for each of Rockingham County's Five Election Districts
This is the makeup of our elected Executive Committee, after the Executive Team is chosen by our membership (You!) The new Executive Team will appoint positions such as Precinct Chairs, Outreach Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Program Director etc...
Now is the time and now is the opportunity for you to get involved and make your impact!
If you would like to seek one of these positions or nominate someone, please let me know!
Your participation is vital to our shared tomorrow!
Thank you so much for trusting me, and honoring me with a leadership role in this organization!
I remain always yours in service and dedication,
Lowell Fulk
540-820-2592 cell
540-896-1323 home
Come out and get involved as we move the County Democratic Committee into the next decade of Community Building, Education on Important Issues, Progressive Direction and Ideals, and Service to the Valley.
Join us as we continue the work of better and more representative government!
We will be electing the following:
District Chair for each of Rockingham County's Five Election Districts
This is the makeup of our elected Executive Committee, after the Executive Team is chosen by our membership (You!) The new Executive Team will appoint positions such as Precinct Chairs, Outreach Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Program Director etc...
Now is the time and now is the opportunity for you to get involved and make your impact!
If you would like to seek one of these positions or nominate someone, please let me know!
Your participation is vital to our shared tomorrow!
Thank you so much for trusting me, and honoring me with a leadership role in this organization!
I remain always yours in service and dedication,
Lowell Fulk
540-820-2592 cell
540-896-1323 home
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Would you please join together to give support and comfort to our Troops?
Whatever opinion each of us holds regarding the wars in which we are involved, the fact remains that the wonderful young people who are serving the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq, or have been wounded while serving there, they are ours. And they need for us to let them know that we love and support them... Republican or Democrat or Independent or whatever political affiliation each of us might hold, whether we like Obama, Bush, Paul, Palin or whomever, the valiant folks who are serving our country are our kids...
I'm asking for your help in showing our Troops our support and appreciation. It is a small thing indeed, what each of us can do in order to let them know this, in a way which will bless their lives.
Please click here, or visit the Face Book event page to find out how you can help bring some sense of Home for the Holidays to the Young Americans who are serving, and who have served our country.
Thank you, and may God Bless you...
Lowell Fulk
I'm asking for your help in showing our Troops our support and appreciation. It is a small thing indeed, what each of us can do in order to let them know this, in a way which will bless their lives.
Please click here, or visit the Face Book event page to find out how you can help bring some sense of Home for the Holidays to the Young Americans who are serving, and who have served our country.
Thank you, and may God Bless you...
Lowell Fulk
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Operation Show We Care 2009

We are in the process of collecting food, magazines, DVDs, CDs, snacks, personal items, toiletries, and many other such items to enrich their lives and to remind them that we remember and love them and hold them always in our thoughts and prayers.

Email me for list of the types of items our young people in combat zones would greatly appreciate.
Please, as you shop, keep in mind that individually packaged servings work best for things like cup-a-soup, mac-n-cheese etc…
Small personal sized toiletry items can be more readily packed and stored as they carry on their misson.
Stores like Sharp Shopper, Costco, the Dollar Stores etc… are good places to find things mentioned on the list.
How do you know what to buy?
Think about the little things that you enjoy, and perhaps take for granted, and let’s be a blessing as best we can to these wonderful young people!
Write back to me at this email address and I will provide you with either a drop off location or arrange for our local young people from 7Gpac to pick up your contribution at your home!
Keep in mind that we also need to raise money for postage and shipping to get our care packages delivered overseas.
If you can help with a small contribution to help cover the shipping costs,
Please make your check to:

Seven Generations PAC
And mail to:
11830 Fort Turley Trail
Linville, VA 22834
Put Operation Show We Care in the memo/for line of your check.
Your help with this effort can make an enormous difference!
Remember, many hands make light work.
One more very important part of this operation…
Please include a card or message with your donated items letting our young soldiers know that you care and that you appreciate the sacrifices they are making on our behalf. They need to know that no matter what,
We love and support them…
Thank you ever so much for your help!
Lowell and Dianne Fulk and Family
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Kate Obenshain's "Low Income Babies"
"Low income women don't pay for their own abortions and that won't change. The point here is that the government should not be paying for any abortions." - Kate Obenshain
What the heck is Kate talking about?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
RCDC Holiday Covered Dish Celebration
RCDC Holiday Covered Dish Celebration
Join Us to Thank Our Wonderful Candidates and Celebrate the Holiday Season!Date: | Friday, December 11, 2009 |
Time: | 6:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | The Lucy F. Simms Continuing Education Center |
Street: | 620 Simms Ave. |
City/Town: | Harrisonburg, VA |
Hello Neighbors, Friends, and Fellow Democrats
The RCDC would like to cordially invite you to a holiday celebration on December 11, 2009. In the spirit of commUNITY, we are hosting a traditional covered dish pot luck supper for you, your family, and your friends.
Let's get together to honor and celebrate the local candidates whose journeys in the recent local elections made us all proud!
Broadway High School Small Ensemble will dazzle and entertain us!
A little conversation, a lot of admiration, and an old fashioned community supper will make for a wonderful way to enjoy the holidays and the end to another fantastic year in the Valley.
Please bring your favorite covered dish----entree, vegetable, fruit, dessert, etc., and join the festivities and fellowship.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Rockingham County Democratic Committee
The RCDC would like to cordially invite you to a holiday celebration on December 11, 2009. In the spirit of commUNITY, we are hosting a traditional covered dish pot luck supper for you, your family, and your friends.
Let's get together to honor and celebrate the local candidates whose journeys in the recent local elections made us all proud!
Broadway High School Small Ensemble will dazzle and entertain us!
A little conversation, a lot of admiration, and an old fashioned community supper will make for a wonderful way to enjoy the holidays and the end to another fantastic year in the Valley.
Please bring your favorite covered dish----entree, vegetable, fruit, dessert, etc., and join the festivities and fellowship.
We look forward to seeing you!
The Rockingham County Democratic Committee
Lowell Fulk at or 540-820-2592
for more details.
for more details.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Webb on Afghanistan
A Plan in need of Clarity - U.S. Senator Jim Webb from Virginia
I have great regard for the careful process the Obama administration employed in its efforts to define a new approach for the long-standing military commitment in Afghanistan and to put an operational framework in place for our responsible withdrawal. I intend, nevertheless, to continue to call on the administration to clarify to the American public and Congress how it defines success and how we reach an end point.
Since early 2009, I have said repeatedly that the U.S. strategy for Afghanistan must proceed based on four considerations:
(1) the fragility of the Afghan government;
(2) whether building a national army of considerable scale is achievable;
(3) whether an increased U.S. military presence will ultimately have a positive effect in the country, or whether we will be seen as an occupying force; and
(4) the linkage of events in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the coming weeks I intend to examine the administration's plan to see how it addresses these criteria and how it will affect our troops.
Read more
I have great regard for the careful process the Obama administration employed in its efforts to define a new approach for the long-standing military commitment in Afghanistan and to put an operational framework in place for our responsible withdrawal. I intend, nevertheless, to continue to call on the administration to clarify to the American public and Congress how it defines success and how we reach an end point.
Since early 2009, I have said repeatedly that the U.S. strategy for Afghanistan must proceed based on four considerations:
(1) the fragility of the Afghan government;
(2) whether building a national army of considerable scale is achievable;
(3) whether an increased U.S. military presence will ultimately have a positive effect in the country, or whether we will be seen as an occupying force; and
(4) the linkage of events in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the coming weeks I intend to examine the administration's plan to see how it addresses these criteria and how it will affect our troops.
Read more
Cap and Trade - An Argument Against
Leading Climate Change Scientist: 'Cap and trade won't work'
A leading global warming scientist, James Hansen, made recent statements on Friday that he hopes the Copenhagen summit will fail, according to a Washingtonsblog posting:
He is vehemently opposed to the carbon market schemes – in which permits to pollute are bought and sold – which are seen by the EU and other governments as the most efficient way to cut emissions and move to a new clean energy economy.Hanson, who was quoted in he Guardian, said:
"I would rather it not happen if people accept that as being the right track because it's a disaster track," said Hansen, who heads the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York."Read more
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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