Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

Democrats, Libertarians, Vegetarians, and the most of the rest of the Free World often sit around wondering aloud why folks vote Republican. God gave us a brain, why would we let someone else put an "R" in front of any damn-fool candidate, or lame idea and expect us to vote for it. Well, we now have our answer:

I'm voting Republican...because sometimes the Constitution is just a big pain in the neck!


Anonymous said...

Well that explains a lot! Now I understand.

Anonymous said...

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down to see the latest on what is becoming one of my favorite sites to see the latest offering. I clicked this video and took a sip, and nearly choked! Darnit, give a girl a warning will ya?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And who do these Republicans follow with a religious zeal? Michelle Malkin, is this real? Seems like it could be.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last post was me.

Bubby said...

I'm voting Republican because economics isn't my strong suit, and my boy John McCain has $500,000 on his credit cards. I like being smarter than my President!

This stuff just writes itself!

Anonymous said...

Here's another Republican worshiper

Anonymous said...

OMG! I know these people!
This is so dead on. Funny but sad.
I hope the blind faith Republican voters are having their eyes opened.
Things are not nearly as bad as they're going to get and we have got to turn things around.